United States

United States
FCC Mark
FCC Mark


The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable communications in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and US territories. An independent US government agency overseen by Congress, the Commission is the federal agency responsible for implementing and enforcing communications laws and regulations in the United States.

· Overview

The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable communications in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and US territories. The Commission is an independent US government agency overseen by Congress and is the nation's primary agency for communications law, regulation, and innovation. Faced with the economic opportunities and challenges associated with rapidly evolving global communications advances, agencies are leveraging their capabilities in the following areas:

  • Promote competition, innovation and investment in broadband services and facilities
  • Support the national economy by ensuring an adequate competitive framework for the unfolding of the communications revolution
  • Promoting the best use of radio waves in Japan and overseas
  • Overhauling media regulation to allow new technologies to thrive with diversity and localism
  • Strengthening the defense of the country's telecommunications infrastructure.

※ Testing and certifications for Safety are regulated by Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory Program.


Related LawsTarget Items
The technical requirements in FCC regulations are to determine the size of radio disturbances that can interfere with wireless communication as well as limits and regulates the potential performance of devices that can cause interference. Radio Frequency Devices and
Devices/Components that transmits radio waves
Communication Act
The Code of Federal Regulations Title 47 CFR Title 47Part 2 : Frequency Allocations and Radio Treat Matters;
General Rules and Regulations
Radio Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters;
General Rules and Regulations
Part 15 : Subpart C,D, and Unlicensed Low Power Transmitters

· Intentional Radiators

· Computers and Peripherals, Receivers, Telephones

· Unintentional Radiators

· Wireless Controls. Data Transmitters, Wireless Microphones, RFID, Fire Alarm System, WLAN, Bluetooth, JigBee, USB, etc.

Part 18 : Industrial, Scientific and Medical equipment

· Light Bulbs

· ISM Devices

· Electronic Ballasts, Microwave Ovens

Part 22 : Public Mobile Serivce

· Paging Equipment

· DCS(Digital Cellular Service)

· Wireless Telephones, TRS

Part 24 : Licensed Personal Communication Services(PCS)· PCS
Part 95 : Personal Radio Service· CB Radio, FRS(Family Radio Services)
· GMRS(General Mobile Radio Services)
· 218~219MHz Subpart F
· LPRS(LowPowerRadioServices) Subpart G

FCC Approval

(Supplier's Declaration of Conformity)

· A Supplier's Declaration of Conformity(SDoC) is a method of demonstrating that a product, process, or service complies with a standard or specified technical requirements

· To apply the SDoC procedure, the responsible party must be located in the United States. Alternatively, a responsible party may apply the Certification procedure utilizing a Telecommunication Certification Body if they so choose, such as when they have no US presence or representation or simply wish to apply an FCC ID to the product. 

· A technical test report, along with additional documentation will be kept on file and made available to the FCC on request.
  The following items are then prepared by the responsible party;

· Prepare a “Compliance Information Statement”, and include it with the product literature.

· Prepare a label for the unit that uniquely identifies it and optionally, apply FCC logo.

· Include mandatory user’s manual information regarding the interference potential of the device.


· Certification means that manufacturers/importers of wireless devices that could affect the radio envrionment and broadcasting networks
   shall be cerfitified based upon accredited TCB by FCC.

·  It is the most strict certification process for the sales in the state and for those who have qualified the requirements will be granted with
   FCC grant.

· 3 Digits of Grant Code will be given after revewing of the TCB documents

· Product Testing will be conducted by accredited testing laboratories by FCC and all data including technical specification and certified devices will be posted on public database.

· Applicable equipment for SDoC could keep pursuing with selective ceritifcation process

· FCC ID must be markd on the product and it is require for the majority of the products

※ For the efficieincy of FCC certification management, labelling is required whcih is made of 3 digits of  permanent grantee codes.

* TCB (Telecommunications Certification Body) : 민간인증기관 (인증업무를 일부 이양해 인증기관의 민영화 및 복수화를 도모)
 Sub-contract 시험소에 대한 사후관리 기능 보유 및 인증을 내어준 제품에 대한 사후관리 실시 필요

FCC Procedures
Documents Required· FCC Form 731(Applicant's FCC Registration Number(FRN) and FCC ID(Grantee Code + Equipment Product Code)
· Test report from registered testing laboratory by FCC
· Technical Documents (circuit diagrams, PCB Layouts, etc.)
· Detailed Photographs of products (8″×10″)
· Label design and placement
· Confidential Letter
· Etc.

· Product Testing(Accredited Testing Laboratory) → Issuance of Test Reports(Accredited Testing Laboratory) → Issuance of SDoC(Applicant) → Self Storage → Registration for ACTA

Certification· Application → Product Testing(Testing Laboratory or TCB)  → TCB Certification → Registration

· NRTL(Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory Program)


OSHA's Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) Program. Recognizes private sector organizations to perform certification for certain products to ensure that they meet the requirements of both the construction and general industry OSHA electrical standards.


NRTL Certification
NRTL Sujected Products

· Electrical conductors or equipment

· Explosion-proof devices

· Equipment related to LPG

· Fire Sensing Device

Applied Standars

· ANSI(American National Standards Institute)

· ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)

· FM(Factory Mutual Research Corporation)

· UL(Underwriters Laboratories)

· NFPA(National Fire Protection Association)

Documents Required

· Application Form

· Detailed information about the Applicant(in English)

· Facotry Information (in English)

· User's Manual (in Englsih)

· Circuit diagram

· Critical Component Lists

· NRTL Certifications of Critical Compnents

· Testing Sampels

· Labels

Lead Time
·  4-6 Weeks